Recently we had a customer asking us if we could change the timeout on the vSphere Web Client because they had some issues with the default 120 minutes / 2 hours that are configured in the vCenter settings.

Changing this is rather simple and can be done in the following file on the vCenter Appliance:

vi /etc/vmware/vsphere-client/

Look up the “session.timeout” value and change it to your likings. The default is 120 minutes and if you enter “0” it will be indefinite. Same thing is true for the settings for the HTML5 client; that config file can be found at the following path:

vi /etc/vmware/vsphere-ui/
VCSA setting to change

Change the same settings and you are good to go! Restart the service with the following commands and the settings will be in effect:

service-control --stop vsphere-ui
service-control --stop vsphere-client
service-control --start vsphere-ui
service-control --start vsphere-client

Please be aware that this obviously should not be changed if your business has security policies in place regarding maximum session timeouts. I advise you to always keep this in mind. Preferably you should not change this on a production environment.

Bryan van Eeden

Bryan is an ambitious and seasoned IT professional with almost a decade of experience in designing, building and operating complex (virtual) IT environments. In his current role he tackles customers, complex issues and design questions on a daily basis. Bryan holds several certifications such as VCIX-DCV, VCAP-DCA, VCAP-DCD, V(T)SP and vSAN and vCloud Specialist badges.


Tobias Heyl · March 23, 2020 at 10:55 am

Hi Bryan,

all is well, except for one thing: the formatting.

The code snippet statement says “service-control –stop vsphere-ui” where in fact it should be “service-control –stop vsphere-ui” (two single dashes).

This was supposedly auto-merged by the WordPress editor. And I don’t even know if my comment will be auto-merged as well as soon as I hit the button below … let’s give it a try 🙂


    Bryan van Eeden · March 23, 2020 at 10:59 am

    Hi Tobias,

    You are absolutely correct. The WordPress formatter made it a single dash instead of two dashes. I changed this, should be oke now!

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